Your mentors will be helping you during the Introduction week, you can always talk to them. If this isn’t the case, if you have something which you want us as an organisation to know or are you having trouble with something else? Then you can always address someone of the Introduction Committee. We are here to grant every individual new student an unforgettable Introduction week experience and we want to know everything. Besides this, the Introduction Committee also has a special trust person: Romy Moonen. Please check the header “Introduction Committee –> ‘Who are we?'” to find out who she is.
Before the Introduction week starts, you’ll be sent a ton of information. This is general information from the Radboud University about the Introduction week, but also specifically
from the mentors of the mentor group which you’ve been assigned. Here, you’ll find information about your mentors themselves and what is going to happen on the first Sunday of the Introduction week (21th of August). There will be noted a time and location in the letter where you will gather for the first time. Might you have problems regarding the meeting point and can’t reach your mentors or anyone else, feel free to visit us (the Introduction Committee) at the Goffertpark from 1 PM.
Two important things which you’ll need to acquire before the Introduction week are a sleeping location and a bicycle. If you’re not from Nijmegen or aren’t that familiar with Nijmegen, it might be difficult acquiring a sleeping place. You might be able to find a room via Facebook by looking at ‘Kamersite Nijmegen’ or via If this doesn’t work, experience has taught us that a lot of Introduction participants have connections via friends, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and – father, ex-neighbours; almost everyone knows at least a couple of people from Nijmegen. If you’re not from Nijmegen, be sure to contact your mentors a while before the Introduction week. They might know how to acquire a sleeping place. Also, student associations (such as Ovum Novum and Carolus Magnus) and sororities and fraternities hand out sleeping locations on a large scale. This might be a way to still get a room if you don’t have any points of contact in Nijmegen. You might also be able to sleep over at one of your fellow group members. A bicycle is also a staple of the Introduction week. You’ll have to be able to get from point A to point B on the regular; it would be unhandy if you would have to hitch a ride or travel by bus everywhere. If you don’t own a bike, be sure to check for an “OV fiets”, Swapfiets, Facebook Marketplace or a second-hand bicycle store in Nijmegen. Besides this, you don’t have to prepare that much else. Please make sure to bring enough
clothing: for nice weather, less nice weather, sporting clothes and clothing for the two theme parties.
This year, there will be no introduction weekend due to COVID-19.
No worries! You can still register for the intro at the info-introduction desk at cafe C in EOS (Elinor Ostrombuilding), this desk is open from 10:00 – 12:00 everyday during the introduction. On the first Sunday (21th of August) we will be at the Goffertpark as the Introduction Committee at a stand. We will be there answering questions, but also for the post-registrations. Haven’t you been able to register yourself successfully beforehand? Then visit us on that Sunday after 1 PM. We will assign you to a mentor group on the spot. We’ll call your new mentors and they will come pick up shortly, so you will be able to join your new group.
Sometimes you might have something else to, making you unable to join from the start on. In these cases it’s entirely possible (and recommended) to join later on. Are you someone who’s only able to join the Introduction week later on? We’ll handle it for you! Send us an e-mail at
The Introduction week is a possibility to help you get familiar with all aspects of your new student life. Besides, you’ll meet all sorts of people who may accompany you in this new part of your life. You’ll also learn a lot more about the university where you’ll be walking the following years, what your study course looks like, what the city itself has to offer and where you’ll be able to have fun. What’s even more important is that very often, first year students stick with the people from their mentor group, them being their main points of contact in during the first study course year. The Introduction week is absolutely not mandatory, and you will still have an awesome time during your study course, but participating in the Introduction week will definitely improve your student life
Yes, you must register yourself for the Introduction week. You can do this on the official website of the Introduction week of the Radboud University:
As soon as the definitive programme of the Introduction week is announced, we’ll place it on this website. You’ll then be able to find the programme under “Programme”. Be sure to take into account trial lectures, fun games, the City tour, Campus tour and the legendary parties!
The Introduction week of a study course is period of a week taking place just before the beginning of the first study course year, where new students will be introduced to their study course, the student life and all that comes with. In 2019, the Introduction will take place from Sunday 18th of August until Sunday 25th of August.
The Introduction week is a spectacular way to start off your student life and, according to a lot of students, one of the most fun periods they’ve experienced! Along with 12-18 fellow Introduction participants you’ll form a mentor group, guided by a couple of enthusiastic and fun senior students: your mentors. They’ll help you during the Introduction week to get acquainted with several aspects of your student life: your study course, the university, your fellow students, the city and partying.
The Radboud University has a (small) general programme, but besides that, every study course has an Introduction Committee which organises a full Introduction programme for their own study course. For more information about us, be sure to check the header ‘Introduction Committee’.
For sure. In our program, we always try to make room for students to get to know the student associations of Nijmegen. Our programme is quite full, so it is always good to see where we can lose activities. Mail us at so we can take a look at what is possible!
In general, it is easiest and most effective to send us an email with the details to Then we will respond in no time!
Please send a mail to, we will answer all your questions as quickly as possible.
In order to become a mentor, you must form a group of 4-6 fellow students. Together you must write a motivation letter and send it to before 23:59 on April 2nd. Check under the header Mentors –> Become a mentor! for more information about what needs to be included in the letter.
Each year it’s very popular to become a mentor. Unfortunately, this means we sometimes have to turn down mentor groups. The best tip we can give you as IC is to write the most amazing letter you can think of. Show us exactly who you are and why you will make amazing and responsible mentors. Think out of the box, make your letter stand out, surprise us. These letters are the representation of your group, so we’ll be making our judgments based on the letters entirely.
With the Introduction Week approaching, more and more preparation is to be expected. We organize an annual mentors weekend. This weekend will help prepare you for life as a mentor and will allow you to get to know all your fellow mentors.
Further, there will be a final mentor meeting about all of the information regarding the Introduction week (the programme) and what we expect of you as mentors. This will take place in the week of 28th of June. The specific date will be announced later.
It can come in handy to create a Facebook or WhatsApp group where you can add members of your mentor group. This way, you can talk with your group members in advance and discuss whether everyone is fully prepared for the Introduction week (sleeping places, bicycles, etc.).
As the Introduction Committee, we hold a meeting shortly after receiving all the mentor group letters of which we select the mentor groups. Following this meeting the results will be announced very soon. You’ll be able to find out whether you have become a definitive mentor group within 2 weeks after the deadline of the letters.
The registrations for the Introduction week will start to flood in at the administrations office of the university first, who then hand them over to us. We process this information and create groups, after which we will hand the list with your group members to you. This might be only a week before the actual Introduction week as the process is rather time consuming.
If your group has passed the selection, you are automatically allowed to take part in the legendary Mentors weekend as well. This is a weekend-long trip, organised by IC for all the mentors. The weekend is filled with games and parties and it’s a great way to get acquainted with fellow mentors. Furthermore, some essential information will be shared such as case studies about situations that may occur during the Introduction Week as well as the theme and programme of the Introduction Week. Thus, the perfect preparation for the Introduction week!
The possibility could arise that one of your group members experiences difficulties, that someone needs some extra help, or that the relations between you as mentors aren’t going as well as planned.
Firstly, try to solve this within your group by talking about it and if that doesn’t work come to us (the Introduction Committee). We’re ready to help with all questions, comments, uncertainties or other difficult issues. We as the IC are here for everyone during the Introduction Week. So don’t be shy and talk to us!
If you have some more personal problems, we have a specially assigned trust person: Romy Moonen. Be sure to check the header Introduction Committee –> Who are we? to see who exactly we are and to be able to recognise Romy if you need her.